As a new homeowner in Rhode Island, I spent my weekend working on several home improvement projects. One project I did not tackle myself was an electrical problem we were experiencing. My power was switching on and off sporadically every 5 minutes during a rainstorm; it turns out that water was getting into my circuit breaker box. To find a trustworthy electrician, I turned to the Yellow Pages online and chose the first electrician that was Better Business Bureau accredited. In the end, I consider myself lucky that this problem occurred because our electrician discovered several safety hazards in addition to our existing problem – which included wiring that was not tied into the breaker at all!
Lesson of the story – before you hire anyone to do work on your home, whether its electrical, roofing, siding, replacement windows etc… be sure that they are BBB accredited (Moonworks has been BBB accredited for years). I am sure the electrician that worked on my home previously was not BBB accredited and probably did the work at a discount. With home improvements- it is worth paying a little extra to make sure the work is done correctly so you and your family can sleep easily.