3 Cool Must-Have Home Gadgets

Today’s article is dedicated to very cool inventions that can be used around your home. If this post receives a healthy amount of comments, we will make this a regular series.

Cool Home Gadget #1: 360 Degree Rotating Power Outlets

Honestly, how cool are these? We have all been there. You have a cumbersome plug to some device and you hate to plug it in because it covers both wall sockets. Well Smarthome has the solution. The online store carries wall power outlets with 2-4 swiveling power plugs. Now you can plug in your cell phone and your Glade air freshener with no worries!



Java LogCool Home Gadget #2: Java-Log FirelogsĀ®

Did you know that coffee grounds have more energy than cordwood when combusted? Me neither! Java-Log Firelogs inventor, Rod Sprules, has turned this fun factoid into a useful green product. The Java-Log utilizes coffee grounds, that would otherwise be discarded by local coffee houses and divertes 12 million pounds of coffee grounds from landfills per year. They are available in both 2 and 3 hour burn times and emit 78% less carbon monoxide than traditional wood.


Retractable Closthing LineCool Home Gadget #3: Retractable Clothes Line

If you’re like me, sometimes you get yelled at for hanging your wet bathing suit or drip-dry laundry on the shower rod (dripping the excess water onto the tile floor.) The question at hand is where else can you hang your laundry if you don’t have a permanent clothesline outside? Well the Hideaway Clothesline provides a solution to this ever-pondered question. The product provides an 8-foot retractable clothesline that can be fastened to just about any surface; including your bathroom, laundry room, garage or camper. You can keep the line extended permanently or retract it and reclaim your space once your cloths are dry.


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