Outdoor Spaces Affect Indoor Living

When you set out to build, remodel or decorate a home, you need to consider more than simply the interior of the home. A home’s exterior plays a major role in the feel of the interior. This is especially true of homes that have many windows and have a constant view of the home’s exterior. While many homeowners set out to design a room from the interior perspective, some fail to consider what they see through their windows and how that affects the space.

Outdoor garden décor can have a big impact on interior décor. Focus on making your yard or garden a beautiful and well maintained space and the resulting view can be enjoyed not only while sitting outside on your deck or patio, but while sitting on your living room couch as well. Everything from the trees and flowers that you plant to the type of patio umbrella that shields you from the sun can add interest to your home’s décor.Patio Furniture

When designing your outdoor space, you should first consider what you see from the inside. If you have a view to the backyard from a main window in a room, you should consider designing the space in such a way so that you can enjoy it from indoors. Whether you are considering building a deck or patio, or you are digging up the ground for some new flower beds, take a look from the inside out at what your perspective of the space will be. 

For example, if you have a large picture window in your living room that looks out onto a currently open backyard space, you may want to consider building a beautiful garden pond or adding an attractive bench among a bed full of colorful flowers, rather than installing a shed in that space. While you may need a shed in your backyard for storage or other purposes, it does not need to be what you look at when you look through your living room window. 

Even color is something to consider when designing your exterior space with an interior perspective. While you do not necessarily have to coordinate colors between the inside and outside of your home, you should consider any colors that you see that are in plain view out the window and how they will look from indoors. For example, if your dining room is designed in serene blue and brown tones accented by creams and beiges, do you want to look out the window at the new bright orange patio umbrella you just had to buy?

While the exterior of your home doesn’t have to “match” your interior décor, it is wise to keep in mind what you see when you look through the windows and how the view looks from that interior perspective.

This guest post was written by Samantha of http://backyardsandgardens.com/

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