Do you live in a part of the nation that understands what seasons are? If winter is more than an abstract concept taught to you by Christmas movies, then you’re a serious candidate for owning heated gutters.
What Do Heated Gutters Offer?
The main benefit of heated gutters is that they prevent ice dams. Ice dams are nasty build-ups of ice in your gutters that, in addition to making them useless until the next big thaw, can cause permanent damage to your roof. Ice dams are caused by attic heat melting snow on the roof, which runs down into the gutter and then re-freezes. A heated gutter (which are regular gutters with a separate product placed in it, not brand new gutters with heating elements) keeps this runoff a warm liquid that drains through your gutter as intended. In addition to clogging up your gutters, ice dams, if left unchecked, can lead to water damage, ruined attic insulation, mold and mildew in your ceiling, and other nasty stuff no homeowner wants to put up with.

What Are Some Other Benefits?
Even if ice dams aren’t clogging your gutters, regular old snow build up can cause problems. The weight of snow and ice can buckle gutters, and while icicles look pretty they can fall on someone and cause a nasty injury, or melt and ice up the surface below them. The last thing you want in winter is a nasty spill!

Why Should I Invest in Heated Gutters?
While there are a variety of ways to address the above problems, none offer the convenience of heated gutters. Hacking away at icicles is dangerous and a pain in the neck, chipping away ice dams with an ice pick is tedious and tiring, and the amount of salt required to melt that much ice can cause damage to your lawn or garden when springtime arrives. In addition, getting on a ladder or even climbing up on the roof in the dead of winter can be extremely dangerous.
It’s preferable to sit in the comfort of your home with a mug of hot chocolate while looking out at your clean, heated roof than it is to be laid up with a broken leg and be forced to watch the situation get even worse. Heated gutters are safe and convenient, and that’s always a good combination.
How Do I Get Heated Gutters Installed?
Moonworks would be happy to install our Heated Helmet, which will ensure that you’ll never have to worry about ice dams or other ugly gutter problems again. Or, if you’re unsure if heated gutters are right for you, we’re also happy to visit your home and give you a free estimate. You can contact us here, or you can call Moonworks at 1-800-975-6666. Don’t hesitate to ask for any additional information you may need to make the right decision!