Energy Savers Booklet: U.S. Department of Energy

Recently I stumbled upon the Energy Savers Booklet distributed from the U.S. Department of Energy. This handy little guide provides tips on saving energy and money in your home.
Energy Savers Guide
Did you know the typically American home spends $1,900 a year on utility bills? That is equivalent to a nice family vacation, 50 Family dinners, or (a New England favorite) 760 Dunkin Donuts coffees! The Savers Booklet details every imaginable area you could save money in your home. Some of the areas of improvement are focused around actual consumption (use energy efficient light bulbs), while others are focused on home improvements. Be sure to checkout this guide ASAP and get yourself a few extra coffees from being green!

Check out our Resources Page to learn more or download the Guide Directly Here.

Moonworks strives to help New England homeowners save money on their energy bills while increasing the value and appearance of their home. We can help you save energy every day through several of our energy efficient products.

Solar Hot Water
Energy Efficient Renewal by Andersen Windows
Cellulose or Fiberglass Insulation
Energy Efficient Doors
Green Roofing Solutions

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