Sliding Doors in Rhode Island

Sliding doors were never front of mind until I became a homeowner in Rhode Island earlier this year. When I lived in my apartment, we had a sliding glass door to our deck that always got stuck when it was half way open. I never gave it thought – probably because I didn’t own it.

Now I am a proud owner of a home and the home’s sliding door. Don’t get me wrong – this door isn’t the worst door ever, but I do have some gripes. The glass part of the door is very heavy and doesn’t glide smooth. Additionally, every time I close the screen, it bounces back open – opening up the possibility that my cat Isabelle can execute her plan of escape. Finally, it isn’t the prettiest thing ever and the lock is stubborn.

Given I purchased my home earlier this year, I am a little short on cash. Even taking this into consideration, I am now seriously considering replacing the unit. What was the tipping point you ask? I was at a BBQ in Cranston, Rhode Island yesterday and opened a sliding glass door that opened so smooth it felt like it was floating across the rail. After experiencing this moment of sliding nirvana, I decided that it was worthwhile investing in this home improvement because it is a part of my home that I utilize EVERY DAY!

I am not telling you that you should replace your sliding glass door tomorrow but would urge you to take your time when planning your next purchase. Features you should pay close attention to when shopping for a sliding glass door include:

– Energy Efficiency (You could be eligible for a tax credit!)Sliding Doors Rhode Island

– Weight

– Glide

– Lock Hardware

– Appearance (Screen and Door)





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