Solar Pebble: The Gadget Charging World Changer

What exactly is a Solar Pebble? Glad you asked…First off, it has nothing to do with a small rock. A Solar Pebble is a new product brought to us from Plus Minus Solar. The device is a solar powered LED lamp that doubles as a gadget charger. The Solar Pebble is charged via a small, efficient solar panel built into the device. This product will be a great addition to any outdoorsman’s kit to ensure they can charge their phone while in the wilderness as well as act as a dependable waterproof lantern. It could also be useful for homeowner working around the yard that would like to charge their mobile devices while away from a plug.

Another more humanitarian application of the device is aimed at the developing world. The Solar Pebble is a great resource for the populations of rural-Africa. In the poorest regions of Africa, dirty kerosene lanterns are widely used. This obsolete light source is linked to 1 death every 20 seconds. Furthermore, in the developing world, families often have to walk great distances to charge phones at local charging stations. The Solar Pebble promises to provide a safe and green solution for the lighting and charging needs of developing nations. The Solar Pebble is still under development and in the concept phase but is due to roll out to the world in the near future.

Core Benefits: Solar Pebble

  • The Solar Pebble can provide 1 hour of charging and up to 2 hours of lighting.
  • The device pairs a green lighting source with the flexibility to charge mobile phones and other gadgets.
  • The Pebble is developed with a rugged design and is rain proof.


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